Other Permissions
Note | These configurations are accessible only to the Cisco Solution Assurance team. To configure these settings, contact the Cisco Solution Assurance team. |
In the following table, the cross mark (X) at the Tenant column indicates the settings that the authorized users of your enterprise specify. Similarly the X mark in the Partner column identifies the settings the partner administrator specifies. The X in the Webex Contact Center column identifies the settings that the Webex Contact Center administrator specifies.
Setting |
Description |
Tenant |
Partner |
Webex Contact Center |
Number of CAD Variables |
The maximum number of active call-associated data (CAD) variables that you can configure. For more information, see Call-Associated Data Variables. |
X |
Maximum Address Books |
The maximum number of address books that you can configure for your enterprise. For more information, see Create an Address Book. |
X |
Maximum Entry Points and Queues |
The maximum number of entry points and queues that you can configure for your enterprise. |
X |
Last Agent Routing |
If you set Yes, the system routes contacts to that agent in the queue who is the last to log in to Agent Desktop. |
X |
X |
Enabled Leg Recording |
If you set Yes, the system creates the following files for each recorded call:
Currently, Enabled Leg Recording is a custom setting. |
X |
X |
Multiple Time Zone Enabled |
If you set Yes, the system associates the entry points and queues with time zones. If you do not specify any time zone, the system provisions a time zone for your enterprise. |
X |
You can also modify the settings by clicking Edit at the bottom of the page.