Entry Points and Queues

Entry points and queues are types of virtual teams. A virtual team is a holding place for incoming customer requests.

You can create entry points and queues depending on how the Webex Contact Center administrator has configured your profile.

Entry Point

The inbound entry point is the initial landing place for a customer contact in the Webex Contact Center system. For the customer calls, you can associate one or more toll-free or dial numbers with a given entry point. The system performs IVR call treatment for a call while it is in the entry point.

To use entry points for the telephony channel type, ensure that you do the following:

  • Map a dial number (DN) to the entry point. For more information, see Entry Point Mappings.

  • Contact your Webex Contact Center administrator for other Provisioning configurations.


An inbound queue where the customer contact waits before the system assigns the customer to an agent or DN.