Viewing Global Routing Strategies

A Global Routing Strategies can be associated with multiple entry points or queues. To view a list of Global Routing Strategies:


Step 1

From the Management Portal navigation bar, click the Routing Strategy module.

Step 2

From the menu bar, select Global Routing Strategies.

Step 3

In the Routing Type field, select Entry Point or Queue. The page displays a list of all Global Routing Strategies available. You can do the following:

  • To export the list of Global Routing Strategies, click the ellipsis icon button at the right side of the page and select Excel or CSV.

  • To display the details of a strategy or to modify it, click the ellipsis icon button at the left of a listed strategy and click Edit.

    For more information, see About Global Routing Strategies. To learn how to create Global Routing Strategies, see Create a Routing Strategy.