Searching for and Playing Recordings

To search for and play a recording:


Step 1

From the Management Portal navigation bar, click Recording Management. By default, all the recordings are listed on the search page. To search based on specific criteria, use the following search fields on the left pane to filter the recordings:

  • Queues—Select one or more queues.

  • Sites—Select one or more sites. The teams and agents associated with the selected sites are displayed in the Teams and Agents lists.

  • Teams—Select one or more teams. Only the agents associated with the selected teams appear on the Agents list. If the Teams field is empty, then all agents associated with the selected sites appear.

  • Agents—Select one or more agents.

  • Wrap Up Codes—Select one or more codes from the list to filter the search based on the wrap-up codes.

  • Tags—Define a text string and assign it to the recording. You can filter the search based on tags by selecting them in the Tags list. For more information, see the section Assigning and Removing Tags and Creating and Exporting Tags.

  • Exclude Deleted Agents—Select the checkbox to exclude deleted agents from the search.

  • Search Deleted Files—Select the check box to search audio files that were deleted within 30 days. The system permanently removes deleted files older than 30 days. To play a deleted audio file, restore the file as described in Restore a recording.

  • The Queues, Sites, and other lists appear based on your access privileges.

  • To reset all lists and fields and start over again, click the Reset button.

Step 2

To filter the list based on more criteria, click the Advanced Search button. In the dialog box that appears, you can filter the search results based on CAD variables, Custom Attributes, Recording Duration, and Call Attributes:

  • Filter by CAD Variables: You can filter the search results based on the call-associated data (CAD) values by selecting the checkbox to the left. One or more entries in the CAD Variables list and entering a CAD value for each selected variable.

  • Filter by Custom Attributes: If your Recording Management installation includes custom attributes, you can filter the search result based on custom attributes. To search based on attributes, select the checkbox to the left of the entries in the Custom Attributes list, and then enter a custom attribute.

  • Filter by Recording Duration: You can enter values in the Recording Duration fields to specify the minimum and maximum length of the recording to search for. You can also select the Unlimited check box to search for a recording of any length.

  • Filter by Call Attributes: You can enter values that appear under the Call Attributes field to filter the search results based on the following attributes:

    • Session ID

    • DNIS

    • ANI number

Step 3

Click the Search button to search.

If the search criteria match, then the Search Results page lists the recordings.

To export the search results to an Excel spreadsheet, click Export on the upper-left side of the results page.

Step 4

Click the ellipsis button on an entry. The following options appear:




Play a recording by selecting the Stereo icon. It plays the full audio conversation of the agent and caller.

If the Leg Recording option is enabled for your enterprise, three play buttons are available when you click the button. Select Agent to play just the agent audio; select Caller to play just the caller audio.


Delete a recording.


Assign a tag to a recording or remove a tag from a recording by clicking the Tags icon. For more information, see Assigning and Removing Tags.


Restore a recording.