Viewing the Pruning Details

If your user profile authorizes you to access the Pruning Details settings, you can view the pruning strategy settings specified for your enterprise:

Open the Recording Management module and click the Others button on the menu bar.

The lower part of the page displays the Pruning Detail settings described in the following table.

Pruning Strategy

Pruning Value

No Pruning

0—No pruning occurs.

Time Based

The number of months to retain recordings. Recordings made prior to the specified number of months are deleted.

  • A month is defined as 31 days, and one additional day is added to the total number of days before the recordings are deleted. Thus, 1 month means 32 days; 2 months means 31 days x 2 + 1 day = 63 days.

  • For some enterprises, the value will be displayed as days.

Agent Minutes

The maximum number of minutes of recordings per agent. When the maximum number of minutes is reached, the oldest recordings are deleted to make room for new recordings.

Storage Based

The limit on the total recording size in megabytes. When the limit is reached the oldest recordings beyond the specified storage value are deleted.