Management Portal Problems

If you experience a problem while using the Management Portal, the following may help you solve the problem.



You cannot log in to the Management Portal.

Check to make sure that the correct user name and password are entered.

You cannot access a module from the Management Portal, or you cannot see some entry points or queues.

You do not have the correct privileges to access these modules, entry points, or queues. Contact your Webex Contact Center administrator.

The Management Portal does not display data regarding agents or calls, or shows that no agents are logged in.

Make sure that the privacy setting for Internet Explorer is set to Medium.

Occasionally the message "Please Refresh the Page" appears in the Real-Time Reports module.

Log out of the current Webex Contact Center session. Close any remaining Webex Contact Center windows and log in again.

When you resize the Agent view of a real-time agent report, tooltips for idle and wrap-up codes are sometimes displayed in the graph area instead of near the cursor.

Maximize the window to display the tooltip near the cursor.

Too many abandoned calls are being reported.

Escalate to Customer Support.

While viewing a chart in a report or on a monitoring page, you see the following message "Communication Interruption on <date> at <time>".

The system has been unable to refresh the data in the chart since the time indicated in the message, typically because of an intermittent network interruption or server issue. If the problem persists for several minutes, notify your system administrator.

The real-time reports are not refreshing on the Management Portal.

Escalate to Customer Support.

The real-time report statistics are not displayed.

Escalate to Customer Support.

In a real-time agent report, the wrap-up count and number of entered wrap-up codes do not match.

This discrepancy occurs when an agent logs out while still in the Wrap-up state without selecting a wrap-up code. Instruct agents to always go into the Idle state and then click the Log Out button to log out rather than closing the browser while logged in.

Changes to the names of existing idle and wrap-up codes do not appear immediately in agent reports. Instead, agent reports display the previous code names before they were edited or N/A for a new code.

Log out and then log in again to see the changes.

When exported to CSV format, data in the Agent View of a current snapshot agent report is displayed incorrectly.

The Time Value is displayed in two cells instead of one when exported to CSV format. This is because a comma separates the day from the date and time in the Login Time field.

When you export historical report data to Microsoft Excel that includes date and time in the hh:mm:ss format, Excel displays only the hours and minutes, and not the seconds.

By default, Excel displays the data in hh:mm format. However, you can double-click in the cell to see the data in hh:mm:ss format.

For a new team, data in the agent interval report is displayed in half-hour intervals from the time an agent on the team logs in after system restart.

This is transient for teams that log in for the first time. Normally, data is displayed in half-hour intervals from midnight.

In the Historical Reports module, occasionally the parameters for a customized default report are not saved after you log out and log in again.

After you save a custom report, wait 10-15 seconds before logging out.

You cannot make a monitoring request.

Ensure that you are using the correct DN and prefix.

Monitoring session left open for an hour or longer displays a blank page or unexpected behavior

Close the module and re-open it.

Supervisor phone rings even when the monitoring request is for a different queue.

If a monitoring request is made for a team and if multiple queues use the same team for routing, any of the queue's calls for that team can be monitored.

A call ends, but the monitoring screen indicates that the call is still in progress.

Escalate to Customer Support

Signed in agents can not see changes made to Skill profile.

The agent needs to sign in again to view the changes.