Usage Metrics Report Parameters

Parameters available in the Usage Metrics Report are described in the following table.



Calls Duration (min)

The total amount of time between when inbound calls arrived or outdial calls were placed and when they were terminated.


Total Calls. The total number of inbound calls.

Connected Calls. The number of inbound calls that were connected to an agent.

IVR Duration (min). The number of minutes during which calls were in the IVR system.

Queue Duration (sec). The number of seconds during which calls were in a queue.

Talk Time (min). The number of minutes during which agents were talking with callers.

Hold Time (min). The number of minutes during which inbound calls were on hold.


The month during which the call activity occurred.


Total Calls. The total number of outdial calls.

Connected Calls. The number of outdial calls that were connected to an agent.

Talk Time (min). The number of minutes during which an agent was talking with a party on an outdial call.

Hold Time (min). The number of minutes during which outdial calls were on hold.

Recorded Calls

The number of calls that were recorded.

Total Calls

The total number of inbound and outdial calls.